OKINAWA / the university in front of ALTA
Posted On: 12月 6, 2010
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OKINAWA / the university in front of ALTA

We invited Satoshi Ukai for the first lecture at the University in front of ALTA. Please welcome, everyone!(0.25) My name is Ono and I will give you a brief of today’s talk then pass it to Mr. Ukai right away.(0.36) Since the government’s decision to remain US military base in Henoko, Okinawa in late May, the media stopped covering the issue. As a result, no one talks about it anymore. So we organised this opportunity to raise the issue again to hear your opinions.(0.51)

Most Japanese blame the Americans for the Okinawa issue, but if Americans were gone, then we would be in trouble. I imagine that’s the general opinion today. When we were handing out fryers today, some people said to me it’s not realistic to force Americans out of Okinawa. But they are not conscious about how they themselves are treating Okinawa. The reality is that we’ve been treating Okinawa like a sandbag since Japan colonised Okinawa. I’ve been thinking for the last 39 years, only realising this fact, could we start solving the Okinawa problem.(1.18)

There is an intriguing fact. On 28/04/1952, Japan became independent from the American occupation. But the young generation don’t remember because the government never placed significance to it. Lots of countries celebrate, but Japan? It’s not just for the post-colonial countries’ patent, but even France designate a public holiday and celebrate the independence from the Nazis. So all the countries experienced under occupations have right to celebrate their independence days. I find it important to discuss why Japan cannot celebrate 28 of April as our independence day.(2.20)

Here’s a photo of Japanese soldier’s skull uncovered last year. What does this skull tell us and how do Japanese perceive the silent voice? / Mr. Higa, the photographer, said an important thing with the photo: He feels far more attached to this dead soldier than living Japanese coming to Okinawa for beach saying they love Okinawa. These soldiers were martyred, buried longer than they lived. He asks “could Japanese imagine my thoughts when I – an Okinawan – took this photo and exhibited it?” It’s may not be directly related to the military base issue. But the Okinawa’s military base issue is directly related to America’s military presence all over the world. We could only grow imagination necessary to solve this problem by increasing the number of people who face the deaths of so many soldiers.(3.40)

The Okinawans are so angry, in fact, so angry that they are already exhausted. Do we continue to bully them by taking advantage of them being too exhausted, or use this decisive moment in Okinawa’s history to face the reality for the first time? We must decide. I want to discuss this issue with you all today. Thank you very much.(5.18)


August 2010 / Shinjyuku, Tokyo
images & sounds / Hikaru Fujii

6min 18sec


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