Maemachi Art Center (MAC)
Posted On: 12月 6, 2010
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僕がここに引っ越して来た時に思ったのは、結構、子供がたくさんいるなという印象があった。子供を育てながら暮らしている 人たちがたくさんいます。でも、何処からか引っ越して来たというよりは、地元の場所というか、親が直ぐ近くに住んでいるとか、そういうことが多かったので、なんか、それが特徴的だなと思ったのですね(0:20)
で、工作教室をやっていくと面白いお母さんたちが何人も出てきて、なんかイベントしたいとか、でも、もともと彼女たちは 若い時に自分たちでイベントを考えて作ったりしている人たちがいっぱいいたので、なんか、そのパワーというのをまた応用できるはずだと思って大人の工作教室という形でみんなが自分でやりたいと思っているイベントをMAを使ってやったんです(1:02)
ようやく最近、関係が出来たことがあるという前提のもと、その、人間としての関係が出来た上で、どう現代美術みたいなものをプレゼンテーションしてみようかなということでジョセフ・コスース(Joseph Kosuth)のアーティスト・レクチャーをなるべく背景っていうのがないまま作品を見て、プロジェクターで映して、その作品を見て、何が面白いか話し合う(1:29)





Maemachi Art Center

I live in a city called Yamaguchi. Yamagushi is a mixture of newly developed areas and traditional neighbourhoods. Maemachi Art Center (MAC) situates in a neighbourhood where many residents have lived for all their lives.(0.01)
My first impression when we moved here was that lots of kids are around in the neighbourhood. It’s not like people moved here recently, but they are locals like their parents live nearby. So I thought that was the characteristic of the area.(0.20)
Since my wife gave a birth during that time I was also interested in bringing up the baby in a good environment with a good relationship with local people. Then I came up with an idea to open an art class.(0.45)
When I started the art class, I met a few mothers who showed interest to organise events. They used to organise events when they are young, so I thought I could use their willingness to do something. I started an art class for adults. And we organised many events at MAC on the basis of what they wanted to do.(1:02)
And now, as I have established a good relationship with them, I thought about presenting contemporary art to them. I came up with an idea to present a lecture on Joseph Kosuth and discuss about his works but without background information.(1:29)
My interpretation of his works is the way he questions about art through language and perhaps how he reiterates that we, human beings, have language. I felt confidence that they also understood his works in a similar way.(1:55)
Given the negative idea most people have on contemporary art I couldn’t have introduced Kosuth to them on one-off art event.(2:17)

But I suppose you had to have understanding from your family for inviting lots of people over all the time?

When I moved here by myself first, I even took 10 art residents in this house. But I have a family now so I can’t do that anymore but we divide the house into private space and public space. For example, the ground floor can be used for art class and the first floor bedroom for us. I first thought my wife would not like the idea but she was fine about it. So it’s not like I tried to convince her but she is a kind of person who doesn’t care about it which I find it lucky.(2:25)

You know, we hear mothers complaining about their husbands.
Wife: Yes.
These complaints help me not to do the same to you like learn and apply.(3:14)

You know, kids can’t choose the environment they grow up. So they have to give in. They have to take the reality that their living environment is where lots of people come and discuss all the time. We won’t be able to know if it’s good or bad for them for another 10 or 20 years. But I don’t feel guilty about it. I let them put up with it by saying “that’s life”.(3:29)


August 2010 / Maemachi, Yamaguchi
images & sounds / Hikaru Fujii

4min 37sec

Maemachi Art Center (MAC)

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