Yoshio Shirakawa (artist), “basyo-gunma”
Posted On: 12月 6, 2010
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自分たちは生活していく中で、はっきり言えば、無理しないで、出来ること、みんなお金も無いんだし。第一、補助金なんか、もう貰ってないんだから。はじめの一年だけですよ補助金が出たのは。その後、切られちゃうんだから。5年とか 10年とか面倒見てくれないんだから行政は。だから、そんなんだったら、自分たちが生活している中で、無視しないで持続出来る中で、やれることを少しずつやりながらやっていく。だから、僕らがやっているようなことは、ここの商店街の人にとってそんなに、もの凄く、 違和感がない。あっ、またやっているかあ見たいな。でも、それでいいと思うんですよ。そういう風にして少しずつやっていく。でも、横手では、実際にはここの商店街の向こう側のところは既に区画整理をしようかという、市のプロジェクトが始まっているわけじゃないですか。だから、ひょっとしたら、5年後ぐらいにはここの商店街は更地になっちゃうかもしれない、という事が分かっていながら、でも、僕らの中でやれることをやっていっても僕はいいと思うんだけども。だから、アートで何が出来るかみたいな事は、僕はなんかそういうふうな事だと思うんですよ。なんか、うまく言えないけど(2:02)


Yoshio Shirakawa (artist), “basyo-gunma”

When cultural events are organised here, lecturers and artists are invited from Tokyo, not from here. So even exhibitions are exposed to media such as newspapers, these artists go back to Tokyo, anyway. And local artists are not invited or asked to participate. (0.01)

I feel it’s nothing to do with the locals. For example, you saw the bricks there, right? Locals are only asked help as volunteers. You are given one of these bricks, then you are instructed to put your name down on it and lay it down on the street for memorial. And that’s it. I mean the story has already been written and we, as ‘volunteers’, would have to do whatever we are told. So locals don’t suggest what they want to do next year. (0.22)

Public projects don’t go with the rhythm of everyday life or the way time passes. I feel that these projects are not part of our everyday life. (1.13)

After all, events are all programmed such as ‘so and so date we do this and that’. And we work towards that date then do the opening event, main event like big fireworks and the rest, and the post-event party and it ends. But we all know that everyday life is not like that it keeps going. (1.32)

To be honest, no one has money and we don’t receive public funding any more. So we should do what we can afford to do. It was only for the first year that we got funded and after that the money has been cut. You know, the local government doesn’t take care of us for 5 years, 10 years. So we should do something we care and can keep on doing slowly along with our everyday life. You know, we should do something the people on this shopping street feel not so out of place. It’s ok to do things that local people would say ‘oh they are doing it again’. The city council is leading a gentrification at the other side of this shopping street. So it’s possible that this street is flattened in 5 years time. But still, we should keep on doing what we can do. I can’t say it well, but I think what art can do is something like that. (2.02)

A Yoshio Shirakawa exhibition (3.23)


September 2010 / Maebashi, Gunma
images & sounds / Hikaru Fujii

3min 53sec


『日本のダダ—1920‐1970』 白川昌生編集

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