Posted On: 12月 6, 2010
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行政代執行 (司法記者クラブ)

弁護士の山本と申します。今回、この記者会見、一応、提訴の予定として開いて頂くという事だったんですけども、不当にも今日、強制代執行が強制されてしまいましたので (0.04)

今回の代執行、どういうところが最大の問題だったかということなんですけれども、まず、9月の15日、強制排除からこの手続きが始ったというところが非常に異常で、かつ踏み込んだものになります。後で詳しく説明があると思いますけれども、9月の15日の早朝に、約120名の作業員、警察官、警備員が公園のすべての出入り口を封鎖するということで始ったわけです。暴力的な方法で、泊まってらっしゃる方を排除し、警備員がごぼう抜きをするという事がありました。公園を閉鎖してしまっているわけですから、本来である場合は除却命令が出た段階で、自主的に荷物を運び出せればいい訳ですけれども、閉鎖されてしまっている以上、自主的に立ち入ることができなくなってしまうわけですね。ですから、非常に手続き的にも矛盾がある、そういう事になっています (0.28)






My name is Yamamoto and I’m a lawyer. We initially called for this press conference for our lawsuit against the Shibuya Ward Council. However, the Council has regrettably carried out the removal of tents, today. (0.04)

The focal point of this case is that the whole process has started with forceful eviction of the people inside the park. That is very unusual and condemning. In the morning of 15/09/10, 120 people, consisting of workers, police force and security guards, sealed all the entrances and exists of the park and the people inside were evicted by force during the course of event. Normally, the people in the park should be given warning before eviction so they have time to evacuate with their belongings. Since the park had been closed off, they had to evacuate with empty hands. From this point alone, you can see the contradiction. (0.28)

The schedule was also very unusual. I have attached a similar case in Osaka at the end of the handout. If you compare with the case in Osaka, you can see how quickly Miyashita Park’s case developed. The 8th day since the eviction, the Council removed the tents. This move was unusually quick. Furthermore, 4 out of these 8 days were either weekends or public holidays. So the Council purposefully chose this particular period during which legal and bureaucratic administrative institutions were all closed so as to prevent us from taking legal acts promptly.

About possible violations of law by the Council. Well, the court has already given the decision against us, but the Law 25 ensures that removal of tents for these who have nowhere else than public premises to stay means deprivation of dwelling environment. Furthermore, the shut-down of the park and eviction on 15/09 were carried out without any previous warnings. Also the Council failed to inform the people about the removal of tents at that time. The Council is required to give a notice for ‘considerable period’ before the removing the tents, but the period given this time should not be considered as such for the reason I have already explained to you earlier.

About items left in the park. The owners had been identified for some items left in the park. / In other words, the Council must have known who the owners were but failed to inform them individually. Instead, the Council just posted notes around the park. And the items belonging to the two support groups were treated in the same way.

The last point relates to the eviction. The Special treatment for supporting homeless people’s self-dependency must be respected in legal compliance with the Homeless Support Policy. Such a treatment was neglected. Also according to the International Law No 11.1, a forceful displacement can only be permitted under exceptional circumstance. However, this case’s forceful eviction should not be categorised as such. Above all, we took the case into court.


September 2010 / Kasumigaseki, Tokyo
images & sounds / Hikaru Fujii

4min 22sec

Miyashita Park

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